It was a beautiful day full of sunshine, love, and bubbles...
Our renovation plans are progressing well. Council is moving on it...what an answer to prayer! Hey, just need some money for it! Do you think the bank will give us a bit more?
We've (Allan actually) cleared out the plants beside the back steps where a lovely blue tongued lizard once resided...poor thing got upset that its home was being uprooted... so it was in the process of moving house...to the house across the road...but unfortunately got run over...horrible eh?
So Amanda made an open grave on the council strip with the kids...much to my neighbour's concern (slightly superstitious about the shrine-like structure surrounded by stones and flowers), or maybe it was the notion of a decomposing lizard that was bothering her!
It's just a ceremony away. Brent and I will be Australian - how weird! But I'll still cheer for the All Blacks, get patriotic tears when I hear the haka, prefer my oysters battered, long for roast yams and kumera, and look toward the mountains.