Friday, May 23, 2008

This week in May

Since we got back from the Coasts of Gold -
Tanya had her birthday...and I got to hold Baby Ryan (boy he's so cute).

Top: Aunty Tan holding baby Ryan

Middle: Mummy Deb and Mum-to-be Bel

Lower: Ness giving me the fork

The teachers had a strike on Thursday so the kids stayed at home - the McLeods, Wisharts, Amanda and Robyn went on a walk around Bicentennial park and mangroves (but we lost Amanda and Robyn) and met up with Serge and boys afterwards.

Top: Kids on the climbing frame at Bicentennial Park

Next: Tahlia, Sarah and Keely

Next: Sarah, Jesika, Ben, Tahlia and Keely - on our walk

Lower: Back at the tower


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back from the Coasts of Gold

Ross and Fi , queueing up for the water rapids ride at Dreamworld - photographer Nicholas Wilson (aged 8 yrs)

We just got back yesterday from 4 nights away at the Gold Coast. We met up with our very good friends Ross and Fi and their boys Samuel, Nicholas and Jamie. We've been friends since we were kids/teens and travelled around Europe with them in a combi van. So many memorable moments.

Samuel, Ben, Jamie, Sarah and Nicholas waiting for the ride to start - WIPEOUT - a chunder machine

It's nice that our kids get on so well, they don't see a lot of each other because of the distance between us, (they live in Mapua, Nelson, NZ). When they do hang out with the Wilson boys, they really enjoy each other's company - they're so funny together. It was so good to spend some fun days doing a couple of theme parks with them all. We went to Dreamworld and Movieworld - the decision was mostly out of our hands - kids rule!

The Superman ride at Movieworld - it was great!

But the kids had a ball and egged each other to go onto the 'big' rides...and of course parents felt compelled to show some form of bravery too. Thus, I ended up doing the giant drop at Dreamworld not once but twice..."please Mum, come and do it again". No pressure, haha!

We also went on the Tower of Terror - which wasn't that terrifying ... really

Fi was tricked onto the Scooby Doo ride by an innocent son saying it was a gentle ride (not) but was talked into going on a rollercoaster in Movieworld.

Fi and the kids after the Roadrunner Rollercoaster (she's still smiling)

Four days wasn't really long enough, and our fun was mixed with tinges of wistfulness recalling some precious memories, and some was hard saying goodbye. We were so glad we went, we love them dearly.