Day 1
We go to a hungi at the Tongias and then onto Shelly Beach for a dip - but the camera runs out of juice. On the way home from the beach we go to see 'The fastest Indian' at the Orpheum Theatre.
Day 2
It's Brent's 41st birthday! After church in the morning we go to Yum Cha and then go back to church for the evening. We bolt out of church to get ready for an impromptu party for Brent and Dave...batteries still dead on the camera!
Day 3
Brent takes Kerey to DFO and Kerey makes a purchase!
We then go Luna Park - Coney Island first and then it's 2 rides each.

Brent and Ben play it safe on the dogems.
Day 4
It's ANZAC Day! We catch the Rivercat from Meadowbank to Circular Quay
We go walkabout - Sydney Opera House - Gardens
And through the city (Martin Pace) where the ANZAC service took place
To the Queen Victoria Building and Darling Harbour, then to the Aquarium.
Fish can be interesting! A big day on foot.
Day 5
Brent and Kerey go for a bike ride - Brent falls off his bike - and then we're off to the zoo.
We're impressed by the the new exhibitions and enjoy the bird show.
Day 6
Off to Darling Harbour again, but this time we go further than the Aquarium. Ben was sick in the carpark at Star City, but comes right for the rest of the day - we're proud of our little trooper.
We head towards Paddy's Market and amble through Chinatown taking it fairly easy for Ben's sake.
We go home via the Macquaire Centre Greater Union Cinema to see 'Shaggy Dog'. It was fun -"woof woof".
Day 7
A big day out to the Blue Mountains. We stop at Katoomba and walk down to the 'Three Sisters', then go to Scenic World.
At Scenic World we go down one of the steepest railways in the world - take a stroll on the boardwalk through the forest - and ascend on the Sceniscender, a large cable car, back to the top.
We race to the Janeolan Caves and make it within minutes of the start of the tour through the Lucas Caves.
The caves are pretty magnificent. The tour through the Lucas Caves show the largest caverns at Janeolan - it was well worth the dash.
Day 8
We walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge - a standard for all our visitors at some point in the stay. We take Kerey on the traditional browse through the Rocks Markets - this time we make a purchase at the space painting stand.
We get corn, delectables from the French Patisserie, and jump onto the Manly Ferry.
The kids go swimming - boy that's keen for the end of April!
Dinner at Leichhardt - The Italian Forum for Pasta, and Bar Italia for gelato! At last.
Hi Heather. Did you get the photos I sent you from Brent and Dave's party?
I'd love to come over and help. And just hang out.
I don't think I've got them Jenny. Did you email them? I've got to go to bed...I'm pooped, Kerey has to be at the airport at 7am - way before my usual rising time...
Love to catch up with you
Heather xxxx
Bye Kerey. I'm glad we got to see you for a short time while you were here.
And hi to all Brent's family in NZ if you are reading this.
Hey, your profile etc has come back up the sidebar. Well done. Was it a fluke, or did you work out how to do it?
Well I can't say that I've done anything..so it must be a fluke!
It's a mystery.
Heath xx
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