This is us standing in front of the Octopus ride at Caroline Bay - Timaru. We all look happy, but the smiles are hiding the churning stomachs - that queasy feeling of nausea from being tossed and tumbled about in all directions. Flung in one circular motion and swung into another circular motion going the complete opposite way. Your head and body going one direction while the insides are still going the original direction. The contents of your stomach wanting to go South.
We didn't last long. Ben went from laughing to very quiet in the space of 5 seconds. His head leaning back, his mouth open, eyes shut...very quiet...then, "Dad I don't feel so good". That was all Brent needed to hail the ride operator with a thumbs down - Brent didn't feel so good either. Neither did Heather actually. Sarah was the only disappointed one. The rest of the 'suckers' got an extended ride. The thought of the ride for the next 2 hours was enough to bring back waves of nausea.
Not a nice octopus!
Actually, from the photo you can see that Sarah is the only one that has fared well.
Haha, that reminds me of the time Evie took me to Luna Park after a big dinner of Thai food and beer...
Keep blogging Heather! :D
Luv, 2ni
hey this is Jono with jason and kerey. Jancie and Wayne are down in dunedin for the weekend. the house extension's are underway, we have a floor! anyways
go to my webpage at
uni is going well for jase he has exams in a few weeks...fun times for him...
have a goodin...
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