Monday, April 10, 2006

Li-il Round Balls

We're now at the site of the Moeraki Boulders near Oamaru. After passing them by for 40 years, we decide that it's 'time' to go and see them.

At first glance, you'd think you've walked onto the set of a pre-historic dinosaur movie. A real Jurassic Park experience. As I was being asked what these round spherical mounds were, all I could think of were dinosaur eggs.

I could have had the kids convinced if they weren't so rock like. The eggs of a very large T-Rex.

But, surprisingly enough, these eggs are accessible to the public to jump off, rock hop, smash, whatever you want. It made me wonder how many people have them as ornaments in their gardens...

And there are still some imbedded in the hillside - amazing little structures.
Li'il roun' balls.

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