Friday, April 14, 2006

Routeburn Trekking

We had always wanted to 'do' the Routeburn track. Trekking, tramping, hiking, walking, whatever you call it - it was a 3 to 4 hour amble through lush virgin forest.

So we headed off to Glenorchy, a 40 minute drive from Queenstown, and got energised with lunch and the spectacular 'Middle Earth' scenery.

After a pit stop and a 45 minute interlude trying to break back into Megan's car (the result of a helpful nephew locking the doors so it would be robber-proof.

Unfortunately it was also Aunty Megan proof as the keys were left inside the car), we head to the start of the Routeburn Track to attempt the first leg of the arduous trek.

Aside: A helpful tip at this point - it's best not to wear in your new sneakers on a 3 hour hike. It could lead to a debilatating foot condition known as blisters.

Swing bridges across flowing creeks and rivlets marked the progress of our journey. I don't think words can describe this part of the world, nor do it justice, so I'll let you admire the photography.

As the day drew towards coming to an end - the children got a sense of 'hometime' and Grandma's baking in the car, and ran most of the way back. I guess being in the lead and Grandma's fudge cake is a pretty good incentive to race to the car.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love the swing bridges. They look like a lot of fun!